Boston Marathon Finish

Boston Marathon Finish

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sultan 50K

On Saturday January 23rd, the Sultan 50k made me realize why trail running is so enjoyable!

Upon Mohammad's birthday run planning the group of runners come together to enjoy beautiful scenery and great friendship at South Mountain. Not only did Mohammad provide crowns to wear and red velvet birthday cake at the turnaround point, Mohammad honored us by assigning his personal bib numbers methodically to the person running with his number. I was honored with his PR bib from Thunderroad Marathon since I was from Charlotte.

As our CTRC team meets at the usual "Cookie Bar" spot at 7am, Da'Leader, STB, DC, Queenie pile into Kermit with CC and Betsy follow in "Put the fun between your legs" car (bicycle picture - get your mind out of the gutter) drive to South Mtn park to drop off Kermit. Let's just say poor Kermit is scared from that car trip. If you were not in the car you WERE talked about! Highlights, such as waking up Ed at 7am to tell him to get out of bed for his training run, sorry Phyllis! We brought to certain peoples attention the "man crush" and brought the Silver Backed Gorillo out of his shell to take charge as he navigated with DC at the wheel to the Coffee House in Morganton.

After the mix of skinny goatee's meet the camouflage/John Deere hat wearing folk at the friendly Morganton Coffee House, we caravan to Roper Hollow Road for the trail start. 27 runners, crown hats, hydration packs, and cameras start up the hill through the fog. Enjoing the mindless chit chat with Jon the Gastonia british guy, STB, Betsy, CC and I end up together with more mindless chick chit chat in the fog not allowing use to enjoy the overlook scenery. Cruising through the fairy tale looking trails the Galloway method of run/walk in our Sultan 50k crowns, CC dissed us as we approached the finish line happy birthday streamer by the waterfall heading down the stairs over the bridge to meet up with DC for the turnaround as she means business to kick this South Mtn Sultan 50k in the arsss!

Red velvet cake is not a bad post race nutrition. It's all about the icing color.....the group thought I had oxygen deficiency with my blue lips. Once the Silver Back Gorilla found his warm pants, he took control again to drive STB, Betsy and Queenie back to Charlotte via the Lincolnton cafe'. Who knew they don't serve caffiene in Lincolnton, no wonder everyone looks sleepy and move slowly needless to say they were very friendly and introduced us to fried cream corn. At home by 5pm, as my belly recieved a great workout from laughing, tired legs and in serious need of a shower, I realize why I love trail running. Who needs a "race", timing chip, entry fee, professional photographers, aid stations and swag, to enjoy the good company of others that share the love of nature. Thank you for Mohammad in bringing us together to celebrate his birthday and did I mention.......CC's birthday is on Thursday.


Sultonic said...

Im just now reading this! Thanks for coming out this year, and joining in on the action. Great write up, and looking forward to more adventures!

Nathan H said...


My name is Nathan and I am inspired by your story. I am 29 years old and am scheduled for my pacemaker/aicd next month. Staying active is so important in my life and I had a couple of questions for you. How do you protect your implant in the swim portion of triathlons? I did an olympic distance and plan on doing more. Do you wear protection during the swim portion of a triathlon? When you did the ironman did they let you compete knowing about your implant; did signing the waiver suffice? Thanks for your help and inspiration. Keep up the good work!


Julia - Paced For Life said...

Nathan H....I just saw your comment and would love to talk with you.
I've been active in events and sign the waiver, even for the IM. After my implant in 2002 I had physical therapy rehab for my arm mobility. Had comments in the past about the implications of pinching a lead while lifting heavy weights over my head (no more than 10lbs) but worked through some pain when started swimming but no issues with leads. I know a female with ICD that completed 2 Ironmans. Impressive! Go for and hope your health is doing well. Please contact me via email if want to discuss more.