Boston Marathon Finish

Boston Marathon Finish

Sunday, April 12, 2009

2009 Boston Marathon Training

Saturday, April 11th, the last long training run prior to 2009 Boston Marathon, my running buddy Ashley and I ran at conversational pace for 13.5 miles at 8:35 average pace. I'm so psyched! It is exciting to feel the payoff from the 5 months of 5:30am morning runs!

Since Twin Cities Marathon, October, 2008, I've kept a good base mileage of runs consisting of 3-4 times weekly by making it enjoyable with trail runs with friends and keeping it social to avoid burn out. Wednesday 5:30am hill repeats began in November, then January came the tempos at 1/2 marathon pace, 5k intervals, and 30 second pick ups. Not only is Boston going to be a great experience, I'm not scared of Heartbreak Hill. Bring it on!

With the specail priveledge of running the Boston Marathon wearing the Boston Scientific logo, I'm excited to meet another patient with the same Altrua 60 pacemaker.

Bob lives in Pennsylvania and we have spoken over the telephone and compared pacemaker stories. One week and 1 day away from an experience I have dreamed of since my first marathon in 1994. My husband Doug will accompany me to Boston and is very excited to be support! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Tracie, Andrea and John said...

Best of luck and fun at Boston!! I'll be thinking of you Monday - have a great time! :)