Boston Marathon Finish

Boston Marathon Finish

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It’s Not About The Run - 2011 Boston Marathon Dedication

If you read Lance Armstrong’s book, “It’s Not About The Bike”, it is much more than overcoming adversity and the ability to do what we like to do.

After running in the 2010 Boston Marathon with every step of 26.2 miles of pain shooting through my foot due to plantar fasciitis, I took 6 months off from running and enjoyed cycling last year with a cycling vacation trip to the eastern coast of Italy. My passion for running would not go away, therefore since October of 2010, my focus was to get back into running shape and foot recovery. I’ve been inspired to run the Boston Marathon on April 18, 2011 as a dedication to a brave young man in support of his legacy.

Throughout my connection with other heart patients and inspiring athletes, three years ago I was inspired by a special young man, Jacob Jackson whom I met through the Levine Cardiac Kids,  Jacob was an inspiration to his family, high school friends, and children born with a heart defects. Jacob was a participant and camp counselor for Camp Taylor in California for children with CHD’s. Jacob and his mother, Kim, were the driving force to the 1st annual Camp LUCK at Kings Mountain State Park, Rock Hill, SC. Camp LUCK, Inc. is to provide a positive camp experience to children born with CHD’s and siblings.

December 3rd, 2010 at the age of 17 Jacob passed away after his 4th open heart surgery. Jacob had talked to me on occasion about wanting to play sports in school and his limiting heart condition. He knew he would be facing this surgery in his future, and the future came too quickly. When Jacob was asked “Do you wish you were not born with this heart defect?” Jacob answered “everything happens for a reason”. Jacob’s Obituary:
The age of 17 was the beginning of my heart condition impacting my life and my 1st pacemaker implant and 31 years later never imagined I would be running my 10th marathon and 3rd time Boston Marathon.

Jacob’s legacy is Camp LUCK, Inc. 501c3 non-profit organization to inspire other CHD children and to not be embarrassed of scars on their chest. Please help me by supporting Camp LUCK, INC. Please contact me on how to donate:


Anissa Starnes said...

I am proud to know you and call you friend. Kick that marathons a$$!! Love ya! Anissa

Unknown said...

YAY JULIA! Jay Thompson sent an email about your blog and I am so proud of you and Jacob would be too! Thank you for raising awareness for such a great cause! You are amazing!

Addler Family said...

We will be praying for a safe and injury free run, Monday. Of course with Jacob sitting on your shoulder it should be a very peaceful run. Best of Luck!!

Unknown said...

Julia - The Mauntels are praying for you this am! We know you will do beautifully! You gotta be tough, you gotta be strong, you gotta be a WINNER! (the Team Tough mantra!)

Best of Luck! Team Tough